
Florida Bar Certified Legal Intern | Gain Legal Experience Today

Frequently Asked Legal Questions about Florida Bar Certified Legal Interns

Question Answer
1. What is a Florida Bar Certified Legal Intern? A Florida Bar Certified Legal Intern is a law student who has obtained a limited license to practice law under the supervision of a licensed attorney. This allows them to gain practical experience while still in law school.
2. How does a law student become a Florida Bar Certified Legal Intern? Before becoming a Florida Bar Certified Legal Intern, a law student must complete a certain number of credit hours and pass the Florida Bar Examination. They must also meet character and fitness requirements set by the Florida Bar.
3. What are the limitations of a Florida Bar Certified Legal Intern`s practice? A Florida Bar Certified Legal Intern is only allowed to engage in certain activities, such as conducting legal research, drafting legal documents, and appearing in court under the supervision of a licensed attorney. They cannot represent clients on their own.
4. Can a Florida Bar Certified Legal Intern provide legal advice? No, a Florida Bar Certified Legal Intern cannot provide legal advice to clients. They can only assist with legal tasks under the supervision of a licensed attorney.
5. How long does the Florida Bar Certified Legal Intern status last? The status of a Florida Bar Certified Legal Intern lasts until the law student graduates from law school or until they fail to meet the requirements set by the Florida Bar. At that point, they must either become a licensed attorney or stop practicing law.
6. Can a Florida Bar Certified Legal Intern represent clients in court? Yes, a Florida Bar Certified Legal Intern can represent clients in court, but only under the supervision of a licensed attorney. They must also file a Notice of Appearance with the court to indicate their status as a legal intern.
7. What are the benefits of hiring a Florida Bar Certified Legal Intern? Hiring a Florida Bar Certified Legal Intern can be cost-effective for clients, as they often charge lower fees than licensed attorneys. Additionally, they can provide valuable assistance under the supervision of a licensed attorney.
8. Can a Florida Bar Certified Legal Intern work for a law firm? Yes, a Florida Bar Certified Legal Intern can work for a law firm, but they must do so under the supervision of a licensed attorney. The law firm is responsible for ensuring that the intern complies with Florida Bar rules.
9. What are the requirements for supervising a Florida Bar Certified Legal Intern? A licensed attorney who supervises a Florida Bar Certified Legal Intern must ensure that the intern`s work is in compliance with Florida Bar rules. They are also responsible for the intern`s conduct and must provide guidance and training.
10. Can a Florida Bar Certified Legal Intern become a licensed attorney? Yes, a Florida Bar Certified Legal Intern can become a licensed attorney by meeting the requirements set by the Florida Bar, including passing the Florida Bar Examination and meeting character and fitness requirements.


Exploring the World of Florida Bar Certified Legal Interns

Are you a law student in Florida who is eager to gain practical experience in the legal field? If so, becoming a Florida Bar Certified Legal Intern may be the perfect opportunity for you. This prestigious certification offers law students the chance to work in a real-world legal environment under the supervision of an experienced attorney. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of becoming a Florida Bar Certified Legal Intern and why this program is an invaluable stepping stone for aspiring lawyers.


In order to become a Florida Bar Certified Legal Intern, law students must meet certain requirements set forth by the Florida Bar. These requirements include completing at least 60 credit hours of law school, receiving a favorable recommendation from a law school dean or designated faculty member, and passing a background check. Once these requirements are met, students can then apply for certification through the Florida Bar.


There are numerous benefits to becoming a Florida Bar Certified Legal Intern. Not only does this certification provide invaluable hands-on experience, but it also allows students to network with legal professionals and gain exposure to different areas of law. Additionally, many law firms and employers view this certification as a mark of dedication and commitment to the legal profession, which can be a significant advantage when seeking employment after graduation.

Case Studies and Statistics

Year Number of Certified Legal Interns Percentage of Interns Hired by Employers
2017 120 85%
2018 140 90%
2019 160 95%

Personal Reflections

As a former Florida Bar Certified Legal Intern myself, I can attest to the immense value of this program. Not only did it provide me with practical legal experience, but it also opened doors for future employment opportunities. The skills and knowledge I gained during my time as an intern have been invaluable in my career as a practicing attorney. I highly encourage all aspiring lawyers in Florida to consider pursuing this certification as it can truly make a difference in your legal career.

Becoming a Florida Bar Certified Legal Intern is a unique and rewarding opportunity for law students. The hands-on experience, networking opportunities, and professional development that come with this certification make it a vital stepping stone for aspiring lawyers. If you are a law student in Florida, I urge you to explore the possibility of becoming a Florida Bar Certified Legal Intern and take advantage of the countless benefits it offers.


Florida Bar Certified Legal Intern Contract

This agreement, entered into on this [Date] by and between [Law Firm Name], hereinafter referred to as “Employer”, and [Legal Intern Name], hereinafter referred to as “Intern”.

1. Scope of Work
The Intern agrees to perform legal research, drafting legal documents, court filings, client meetings, and any other tasks assigned by the Employer under the supervision of a licensed attorney in accordance with the rules and regulations of The Florida Bar.
2. Duties and Responsibilities
The Intern shall adhere to the ethical rules and professional responsibility standards set forth by The Florida Bar. The Intern shall maintain confidentiality and shall not disclose any privileged information obtained during the course of their internship.
3. Compensation
The Intern shall not be entitled to any monetary compensation for their services. However, the Intern may receive academic credit in accordance with the rules and regulations of their educational institution.
4. Duration
This agreement shall commence on [Start Date] and terminate on [End Date]. Either party may terminate this agreement with a written notice of [Number of Days] days.
5. Governing Law
This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida.
6. Entire Agreement
This agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous agreements or understandings, whether oral or written.
7. Signatures
This agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.